When you bring up the idea of offshore banking, it's not unusual to get a dozen different opinions about where the best tax haven is or where banks are most eager to get foreign investors. Look beyond all the noise and you'll find that Belize is consistently chosen by savvy investors for offshore banking.
What would you do if you walked up to an ATM and saw a notice that said “ATM Out of Order - Indefinitely” or worse yet, you’re staring at a blank screen? You would probably turn around and head right on over to the front door to walk inside and speak to a teller. Uh oh, one big problem; the door is locked. Looking closer you realize the bank isn’t even open.
Topics: Banking Services
If you are ready to explore the world of international banking, you should be aware of the fact that no two banking destinations are the same. There are countless banking and financial hotspots around the globe, and each is preferred for a variety of different reasons.
Topics: Banking Services
Whether you plan to spend a few months out of the year in Belize thanks to a beachfront vacation home or you are getting ready to retire there full time, one of the logistical priorities on your to-do list should be establishing a local bank account.
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Mutual funds are a popular form of investment almost everywhere in the world. However, there is no question that Belize is a top destination both for investment firms and those who want to gain the greatest profits on their personal mutual funds.
Topics: Banking Services
In an effort to make banking more secure in Belize and to increase the retention of banks in the country, the Offshore Banking Act of 1996 was passed.
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One of the most basic rules in the world of investing is to spread your risk and diversify your assets. Also known as not putting all of your eggs into one basket, this is a key if you want to minimize your risk and reduce your overall financial vulnerability.
Topics: Banking Services
Investors and account holders from around the world gravitate toward offshore financial institutions for a number of reasons.
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As a savvy offshore investor, you already know the value of diversifying your investments. Chances are that the portfolio currently contains a wide range of stocks, bonds and possibly even one or two insurance policies that are helpful with wrapping some of those assets.
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Your approach to offshore planning and investing will have a significant impact on the measure of success that is achieved with your portfolio. There’s a good chance that you already grasp the concept that choosing to balance your portfolio with different types of holdings is a good idea.
Topics: Banking Services