For the average investor the picture above can be a common occurrence in one's investment track record. In fact, in the investment world this is taught as a rule; the common investor will buy high and sell low. Why? Because they don't spend enough time researching their investment purchases. Instead they tend to follow the market news jumping in when it goes up, however, when the market falters, they are the first to panic and sell.
The best way to invest in crypto currencies is to do it in a qualified retirement plan (IRA, ROTH IRA,401K, etc.) to defer taxes, minimize accounting, and maximize control using a Self-Directed IRA with an international Limited Liability Company (LLC).
Topics: Asset Protection, Self-directed IRA, offshore IRAs
I spend a majority of my day conversing with individuals from around the world looking to protect themselves, their families and their assets. And, as you can imagine, each and every invidividual's personal situation is different. There is not one simple "pill" that can be utilized by everyone.
Topics: Asset Protection, International Trusts, International Business Companies, Foundations
The creating of a company, be it a corporation or a limited liability company, requires one to specify to the service provider certain particulars with regard to the entity. You will be required to select a company name, identify the owners and their percentage ownership, specify the type of business to be performed, the geographic location in which the entity will operate and who is responsible for managing the company. These are all very straight forward, however, the item that causes the most confusions is the capital contribution amount.
Topics: Asset Protection, Self-directed IRA, International Business Companies
Keep Your “Building” from Crumbling
You are invested in stocks and bonds because you have been told it’s the best way to increase your net worth. Yet, the recent world markets played “Follow the Leader” with crashes, corrections and pull backs worldwide. What an awful feeling as we watched markets free fall.
Topics: Asset Protection
Being financially secure is a two-pronged process. What most people focus on is gaining wealth, whether through investments or earned income, in order to create a financial security net.
Topics: Asset Protection
In order to best diversify your holdings and ensure that you have financial stability today, a year from now and even a few decades from now, your investment planning structure should contain multiple components.
Topics: Asset Protection
Although there are thousands of potential goals and strategies for your financial portfolio, it can all be boiled down to two major priorities: making money and keeping money. There are a variety of investments and opportunities available for those who want to see their wealth increase, and that is in addition to traditional income sources like paid salaries and wages.
Topics: Asset Protection
A mutual fund is defined as a collection of funds, pooled by several investors, that is invested in a range of stocks, bonds and other financial assets. Generally, the whole mutual fund is overseen by a single money manager, and the investors benefit by enjoying a diversified portfolio no matter what their level of investment might be.
Topics: Asset Protection
There are compelling reasons why you are choosing to engage in offshore investing. One of the more recognizable motivations is the fact that those offshore investments provide opportunities that are not necessarily available in a domestic setting.
Topics: Asset Protection