For any number of reasons, you might be interested in transferring your traditional individual retirement account into an offshore self-directed IRA, called an SDIRA. Your SDIRA must be run by a flexible custodian of your choosing who acts in accordance with your wishes and handles administration and management of the assets.
Georgetown Trust
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Securing an international insurance license anywhere in the world can be tricky, as the insurance industry is one of the more tightly regulated on the planet. For a number of reasons, including the International Insurance Act of 1999, Belize is often considered to be the top choice for individuals and businesses who are ready to receive their own international insurance license.
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Establishing a business in Belize is a popular choice for both savvy small business owners and large financial corporations. Since Belize boasts a low cost of living, the overhead for operations can be incredibly affordable, saving businesses money on a day-to-day basis.
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Investing in gold is a solid and stable choice for a number of reasons. First, gold has held its value throughout history. Whether you're looking at ancient Egypt, medieval Europe or modern day China, gold has been a currency and something of incredible value.
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A common goal for many investors is to establish a long-term plan that provides for loved ones and heirs. With traditional estate planning, you might incorporate trusts, real estate or stocks, all of which can certainly be a great start.
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Many investors choose gold as the safe bet when it comes to their financial holdings. In many ways, it is easy to see why. Gold has been a valued commodity for thousands of years, and it is not tied to any one foreign currency or even one culture.
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A private interest foundation is considered to be a nonprofit organization. In reality, it can be described as somewhere between an offshore international business and a private trust.
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What would you do if you walked up to an ATM and saw a notice that said “ATM Out of Order - Indefinitely” or worse yet, you’re staring at a blank screen? You would probably turn around and head right on over to the front door to walk inside and speak to a teller. Uh oh, one big problem; the door is locked. Looking closer you realize the bank isn’t even open.
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Thanks in large part to the Banks and Financial Institutions Act of 1995 and the Offshore Banking Act of 1996, conducting business in Belize is an especially appealing choice for financial and banking companies.
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Keep Your “Building” from Crumbling
You are invested in stocks and bonds because you have been told it’s the best way to increase your net worth. Yet, the recent world markets played “Follow the Leader” with crashes, corrections and pull backs worldwide. What an awful feeling as we watched markets free fall.
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