Whether you are collecting large Social Security payments monthly or cashing in a substantial IRA, there are plenty of downsides to receiving large amounts of cash in a short amount of time. Receiving too much income at once may push up your tax ceiling, forcing you to pay more than your fair share on investment profits or retirement funds.
In 2011, Belize passed the International Limited Liability Companies Act. This piece of legislation added to the already impressive legal system that makes Belize such a hospitable offshore destination for businesses as well as individual investors.
Topics: International Business Companies
The International Business Companies Act of 1990 was a revolutionary piece of legislation that encouraged the growth of business in Belize. Today, more than 30,000 different companies are registered as IBCs, or international business companies.
Topics: International Business Companies
An LLC, or limited liability corporation, is the name for a business that operates with one person or a partnership but also takes advantage of limiting liability at the personal level.
Topics: International Business Companies
An LLC, or limited liability corporation, is the name for a business that operates with one person or a partnership but also takes advantage of limiting liability at the personal level.
Topics: International Business Companies
All around the world, there are small businesses and large corporations that don't want their local governments to know every detail of the business or its finances. Such disclosure can be mandatory, but it is generally viewed as both unnecessary and potentially even detrimental to companies.
Topics: International Business Companies