Leverage Your Gold Holdings For Greater Investment Freedoms

By Georgetown Trust


For many investors, there is a continual battle between security and freedom. On one hand, savvy investors know and appreciate that having low-risk and high-value investments like gold is a smart move today, a year from now and even 20 years from now.

However, limiting yourself to just steady investments may not satisfy your desire to seek out new paths or pursue higher profit potential. For that reason, the gold loan program from Georgetown Trust can be perfect.

By leveraging your gold holdings, you can have more freedom and financial opportunities, giving you the best of both worlds.

Borrow Against the Value of Your Gold

In conjunction with Caye International Bank, Georgetown Trust offers a gold loan program specifically for those who already have gold holdings of over $100,000 USD and who want to be able to leverage the value of these holdings in order to borrow cash.

Participants in the gold loan program can borrow up to 75 percent of the market value of their stored gold, a number that gets calculated daily. When they do so, their gold will remain securely stored where it has always been, in a vault in Zurich, Switzerland, but a significant portion of the gold's value will be freed up for your use.

Rather than having all of your net worth tied up in gold, you can start to access its value at any time through the gold loan program.

Enjoy Freedom to Choose New Investment Opportunities When They Arise

Some investors don't feel the need to leverage the value of their gold holdings and would rather sell their gold if new and better investment opportunities arise.

 However, gold is not always instantly sold, although it can certainly hold its value over time. If the chance to be an investor in a start-up company comes along, or you are presented with an exceptional deal on a piece of real estate, having access to cash or liquid assets instantly is vital.

Through the gold loan program, you don't have to jump through hoops and sell your gold holdings in order to have money on hand. All you need to do is contact personnel at the gold loan program and authorize the release of up to three-quarters of the market value of your gold stored in their facility.

Have Peace of Mind About Your Stored Gold

Leveraging gold is clearly a fantastic option for those who want the best of both worlds and who don't want to give up their precious metals holdings in order to pursue new investment opportunities around the world. 

However, you probably wouldn't want to have valuable gold bars or coins stored in your home, which can pose a significant safety risk. Instead, you can maintain control over your holdings while they are located in a secure vault in Switzerland. 

The vaults, which are located in Zurich, a banking and financial hub in Europe, provide the absolute security you need to enjoy peace of mind about your holdings and their financial future. By participating in the gold loan program and borrowing at least 50 percent of your gold's value, the costs of storage in this amazing facility will be absolutely free.

Purchasing gold is a smart choice for those in search of a secure investment, but gold holdings can limit your financial flexibility. Through the gold loan program, you can leverage your gold holdings in order to pursue new investment opportunities across the globe.

>> Combine the security of gold with the opportunity for investment


Topics: Gold Loan Program